-- Bane's Profile --
ClassMale Dwarf Grandmaster Class II Priest
Clan{ffffff{T{b0b0b0{h{909090{e {ffffff{R{c0c0c0{e{b0b0b0{s{a0a0a0{i{909090{s{808080{t{707070{a{606060{n{505050{c{404040{e{00ffff{ Founder (-·:*¨¨ÎñëVîtåßlê Ðê§trüctîoÑ-·:*¨¨)
AIM Name
MSN Name
KOS List/mumble Kiaransalee Tlu Malla!
Monsters Killed22803
Players Killed184
Deaths by Players118
Total Game Time143 days, 21h45
Character Score15242
Overall Ranking18/7702
Class Ranking5/1259
Last Logon02-16-2025 11:23:59
Staff Comment(JLH on 06-28-2004) 1 week, language

-- Monsters Killed --
Door174Guard Spider33
Spider1787Demonic Soldier596
Black Bear40Giant Spider4
Sentry Spider4Injured Eagle74
Small Snake58Scarab8
Bandit Leader8Brown Bear4
Modern Art Sculpture11167Giant Leech42
Gardener1Mutant Beetle9
Torturer580Giant Rat3
Skeleton70Persuaded Follower2
Giant Centipede1Rogue Swordsman2
Dwarven Grenadier2Mayor Tvarti2
Chair1Mutant Rat6
Demonic Sergeant54Dust Devil2
Elven Barrow Wight1815Skeletal Warrior8
Scarab Skeleton85Mummified Priest11
Cinder Beast6Griffin1
Teptok Warrior3Ibis Statue20
Imperial Mummy33Vulture2
Arrowhead1Demonic Captain15
Elite Sentry Spider19Clay Golem1
Spider King32Mummified Pharaoh2
Vampire Bat135Teptok Loyalist23
Banshee9Silversail Defector4
Time Mummy7Granite Beast9
Crystal Giant1Pained Spirit25
Wall Crawler1Kobold1
Spirit of King Durmeal9Scorpion21
Sand Spider32Sand Viper4
Demonic General7Tomb Spirit211
Lost Wisp2Seasonal Painting1
Anubis Statue1Rattlesnake2
Suit of Armor8Guardian1
Three-eyed Jack4Evil Sprite1
Lioness1Captain Wylsen1
Flame Wraith11Vein Golem5
Balrog13Great Eagle1
Dungeon Knight12Mining Foreman134
Nether Beast133Large Snake2
Pit Wraith20Lag Monster1
Aet'Thol4Dark Djinni12
Chief Bodyguard1Gothmog, Lord of the Balrogs3
Waldren1Spirit of Olist12
Carebol Raekor1Time Knight1
High Priestess Ku'Nal1Drow Priestess23
Giant Bat4Owl4
Writing Desk2Shadow Drake1
Arovet the Infidel13Corrupt Demon1
Drow Templar12Stone Dragon1
Drow Mage4Mountain Lion1
Drider Scout1Deer27
Lost Soul7Giant Hawk1
Grande Inquisitor1Hollow Man1
Chaotic Mage1Goblin Elder1
Mystic Formation1Imhotep2
Drow Archmage2Goblin Villager1
Undead Vines2Sheep1
Vampire1Death Knight1
Evil Spirit2Stone Door1
Pygmy Statue9Magimoxama, King of the Magimoxes1
Jaguar1Necro Claus5
Dobermann1Hedge Minion1
Drow Elite1Ogre2

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