Name | Mike - Ðâñk | Class | Male Gnome Archmaster Sorcerer |
Clan | |
Experience | 244420766 |
Level | 30 |
E-Mail | Angelic_Passion: gotta love you THC |
Comment | Emolicious Pages You from Underground Tunnel (Barracks): My mage is pathetic compared to you -.- |
AIM Name | Modulation: mike is one of the best nm players Stoicist: THC was a legend :( Might_Of_God: u are the master of all mages! Quark healed you by 5.97927939891801 hp. You point at Condemned_Is_My_Hero. |
MSN Name | Hoick Pages You from (Hidden): my mage wants 2 be jus like u . Aguro wasn't fast enough to avoid Condemned's HaIberd! Simulation (to Condemned): When I see your pic I get scared IRL |
KOS List | The Mosh Server: Condemned won the mosh!!! Pandilex cowers in fear before you! JLH killed you!The Mosh Server: Ava was cut down by Condemned's mighty Broomstick! |
Monsters Killed | 28632 |
Players Killed | 3520 |
Deaths by Players | 502 |
Total Game Time | 132 days, 20h13 |
Character Score | 1984 |
Overall Ranking | 2426/7678 |
Class Ranking | 77/467 |
Last Logon | 11-06-2015 03:00:06 |
Staff Comment | |