-- Condemned's Profile --
NameMike - Ðâñk
ClassMale Gnome Archmaster Sorcerer
E-MailAngelic_Passion: gotta love you THC
CommentEmolicious Pages You from Underground Tunnel (Barracks): My mage is pathetic compared to you -.-
AIM NameModulation: mike is one of the best nm players Stoicist: THC was a legend :( Might_Of_God: u are the master of all mages! Quark healed you by 5.97927939891801 hp. You point at Condemned_Is_My_Hero.
MSN NameHoick Pages You from (Hidden): my mage wants 2 be jus like u . Aguro wasn't fast enough to avoid Condemned's HaIberd! Simulation (to Condemned): When I see your pic I get scared IRL
KOS ListThe Mosh Server: Condemned won the mosh!!! Pandilex cowers in fear before you! JLH killed you!The Mosh Server: Ava was cut down by Condemned's mighty Broomstick!
Monsters Killed28632
Players Killed3520
Deaths by Players502
Total Game Time132 days, 20h13
Character Score1984
Overall Ranking2426/7678
Class Ranking77/467
Last Logon11-06-2015 03:00:06
Staff Comment

-- Monsters Killed --
Granite Beast66Small Snake2251
Cinder Beast88Skeleton123
Troll2247Black Bear165
Badger39Brown Bear43
Mutant Rat13Ogre689
Sentry Spider2Large Snake87
Dryad106Giant Leech76
Grasping Vines24Demonic Soldier12
Giant Rat15Guard Spider31
Clay Golem1Gardener28
Mutant Beetle3Scorpion9
Sand Spider3Garden Spider1
Deer15Skeletal Giant Rat2
Owl7Dark Gnome3
Elite Sentry Spider20Sand Viper1
Spider5Giant Centipede3
Gnoll Warrior1Giant Frog10
Bloom23Vampire Bat1
Tree Frog2Gorilla1
Toucan1Skeletal Warrior1
Griffin3Dwarven Grenadier1
Silversail Defector1Asp2
Snowman4Mayor Tvarti1
Evil Reindeer2Vines2
Scarecrow1Stone Gargoyle1
Drow Archer1A Partridge In A Pear Tree3
Demonic Sergeant4Demonic Captain1
Gnoll Guard1Librarian1
Animated Armor1Dancing Sword1
Ensorcelled Bow1Master Thief1
Water Fairy1Goblin Scout1
Castle Door2Caterpillar3
Greed's Vassal1

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