-- Imogen's Profile --
ClassFemale Halfling Legendary Hunter
ClanThe Crane Temple ([Crane] - Matriarcher)
E-Mail2341; 10th Aug 2013 - Legendary
CommentYou have increased to level 40, and gained 17 hp.
AIM NameA Pained Spirit dropped a Spirit Essence. | Seishi just gave you a Mask of the Wild.
MSN NameA Magimox dropped a Dull Crystal Shard. * 2
KOS ListYou rapidly fired at a Mountain Ranger with your Bow of Prophecy for 48 points of damage. killing him A Mountain Ranger dropped an Enchanted Bow.
Monsters Killed71815
Players Killed
Deaths by Players2
Total Game Time135 days, 3h12
Character Score9743
Overall Ranking55/7588
Class Ranking4/970
Last Logon11-07-2024 03:52:31
Staff Comment

-- Monsters Killed --
Drunken Brawler38Garden Spider41
Rugged Rogue35Tattered Thief33
Giant Leech3317Giant Rat1385
Mutant Rat1189Black Bear3684
Goblin Warrior60Owl417
Brown Bear2486Small Snake2627
Mutant Maggot31Bunny1141
Vines156Giant Mosquito Swarm37
Hydra Hatchling18Giant Spider883
Crystal Formation92Spider397
Sentry Spider858Modern Art Sculpture2213
Scarab263Hydra Head1
Bandit662Granite Beast815
Badger334Gnoll Slave14
Gnoll Guard54Gnoll Elite56
Skeleton1111Mud Monster1
Troll552Gnoll Warrior66
Gnoll Captain4Gnoll Archer47
Ankheg22Vampire Bat632
Large Snake776Scribe3
Gnoll Watchman58Ghoul87
Zombie43Black Paladin14
Skeletal Warrior48Black Knight44
Demonic Soldier216Gnoll2
Stone Door48Plague Demon2
Bezerker15Braced Door1
Dead Scientist2Ogre1948
Scorpion3267Sand Spider7007
Sand Viper700Warthog164
Mummy8Mayor Tvarti8
Bandit Leader42Ghost37
Goblin Shaman13Goblin Treasure Chest3
Goblin Elite16Goblin Chieftain5
Goblin Archer18Dryad235
Dark Gnome8Bloom38
Dire Boar1Krenshar1
Toucan180Guard Spider159
Rabid Chipmunk59Elite Sentry Spider134
Clay Golem51Asp239
Pawn of Greed2Colossal Ant53
Mountain Goat180Mountain Troll126
Mountain Lion156Dwarven Grenadier284
Silversail Defector237Goblin Scout38
Antelope173Snow Leopard142
Lone Zebra15Lioness141
Wildebeest121Goblin Villager141
Goblin Healer51Vulture221
Evil Sprite40Great Eagle59
Ravenous Seagull60Mutant Crab28
Ocean Shark3Starfish11
Caterpillar6Suit of Armor89
Arrowhead53Totem Pole3
Tax Lord2Deer33
Elshira4Magimoxama, King of the Maximoxes6
Giant Centipede8Giant Bat1511
Pit Viper62Drow1032
Dungeon Initiate136Kobold498
Wall Crawler127Shrieker95
Pained Spirit290Persuaded Follower31
Teptok Loyalist80Teptok Warrior51
Steel Door49Grizzly Bear158
Black Scorpion76Desert Snake149
Marauder61Large Rock6
Worthless Grub19Corrupt Demon45
Dungeon Guard50Death Knight20
Giant Frog2Snake2
Demonic Sergeant35Native Ranger30
Gorilla50Time Mage9
Drow Warrior703Maneater125
King Cobra3Rattlesnake344
Ice Troll63Snowy Owl14
Harpy22Sand Scorpion24
Piranha2Water Fairy11
Spirit of Olist9Drow Archer344
Drow Mage333Rottweiler42
Toad3Ibis Statue54
Canyon Raptor17Dobermann95
Hedge Minion319Undead Marcus1
Mountain Ranger3Scarab Skeleton132
Bigfoot2Mutant Seabass8
Meerkat119Fire Ant Soldier48
Baboon162Tree Frog85
Lyzanthir the Enchanter2Cinder Beast183
Three-eyed Jack3Ensorcelled Bow16
Possessed Dagger18Flying Hammer10
Snotling203Dancing Sword11
Dust Devil12Plagued Spider9
Waldren1Imperial Mummy14
Time Knight11Drow Elite262
Drow Archmage35Teptok6
Gargoyle66Pit Wraith50
Elven Barrow Wight2515Time Mummy7
Necro Claus5Seasonal Painting6
Honey Badger7Alligator18
Drow Priestess227Mana Vein6
Drider Scout164Drow Rogue123
Drow Templar95Minotaur24
Cyclops62Hell Hound45
Dvergar Firetender24Shadow Dweller49
Dvergar Hammerlord41Dvergar Trapslinger25
Dungeon Knight6Albino Beetle9
Mutant Beetle162Balrog13
Sprite23Animated Armor15
Lion Cub7Mutant Leech10
Wolf Lord14Chief Bodyguard10
Cave Bear3Giant Sand Wurm17
Crystal Giant9Mummified Priest2
Nether Beast24Orc Chieftain4
Spirit of King Durmeal5Magimoxama, King of the Magimoxes28
Captain Wylsen13Plague Fiend3
Wunorse Openslae1Sugarplum Mary1
Bushy Evergreen2Alabaster Snowball1
Drow Corpse3Door9
Rogue Swordsman12Psychotic Elf70
Goblin Elder4Guardian6
Tarantula32Roc Hatchling3
Dvergar Runemaster3Dvergar Shadowcaller2
Dvergar Blacksmith4Anubis Statue2
Drow Mistress31Stone Sentinel5
Drow Blademaiden26Cauldron18
Mining Foreman8Drider Warlord13
Mana Root14Giant Hawk3
Drow Scholar1Mongoose37
High Priestess Ku'Nal6Flame Wraith5
Lost Soul3Vein Golem3
Priestess Alan'cul3Christmas Present3
Hollow Man5Grotesque1
Brimstone Serpent3Blue Dragon2
Sarcophagus4Giant Chameleon1
Profane Dianna5Lone Wildebeest5
Atrium Monarch3Ghoul Warrior142
JLH Ghoul2Atrium Guard7
Holly Shrine1Tower Guard12
Domesticated Euoplocephalus1Paladin of the Inquisition13
Dwarven Enchanter1Time Guardian19
Pious Hannah4Satyr29
Cauldron Witchdoctor1Dux8
Stampeding Elephant31Razorback467
Jadeback85Inquisitor Enforcer12
Initiate Inquisitor16Black Jaguar37
Goanna93Evil Reindeer22
Evil Elf39Demonic Elf9
Hedge Lord7Marshal of the Inquisition5
Stone Reliquary1Water Snake2
Veteran Gladiator2Box Jellyfish2
Demonic Captain3Credenza2
Gargantuan Black Widow1Treasure Chest1
Chaotic Mage1Giant Crocodile1
Dark Djinni7Demonic General1
Cauldron Tribesman2Writing Desk3
Gnomish Archaeologist1Sheep20
Scarecrow11Tomb Spirit1
Jack-o'-lantern1Crystal Ball1
Guardian of Aet'Thol1Pygmy Statue4
Castle Sorcerer3Frankenstein's Monster1
Mad Turkey1Primal Bear7
Castle Door1

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