-- Klepto's Profile --
ClassMale Dwarf Legendary Assassin
Clannopk party Chairman
AIM Name
MSN Name
KOS List
Monsters Killed17654
Players Killed6
Deaths by Players10
Total Game Time83 days, 13h20
Character Score8830
Overall Ranking81/7573
Class Ranking19/1826
Last Logon09-09-2024 12:24:25
Staff Comment

-- Monsters Killed --
Black Bear1285Brown Bear934
Large Snake1152Orc967
Bandit23Small Snake3867
Giant Leech2Troll15
Gardener11Mutant Beetle77
Cinder Beast16Hedge Minion12
Demonic Soldier27Guard Spider11
Elite Sentry Spider4Giant Rat3
Sand Spider104Door29
Rogue Swordsman15Ogre4
Modern Art Sculpture18Griffin6
Braced Door2Hydra Head2
Mayor Tvarti3Suit of Armor8
Silversail Defector45Thief Guard29
Spider285Master Thief44
Steel Door24Scorpion4745
Hydra Hatchling1Granite Beast114
Magimoxama, King of the Magimoxes6Colossal Ant1
Skeletal Warrior3Bandit Leader13
Sand Viper37Giant Cinder Beast5
Smithy1Atrium Monarch1
Totem Pole1Tax Lord2
Scarab Skeleton119Ibis Statue128
Seasonal Painting1Corrupt Demon3
Giant Sand Wurm7Ghast2
Mummy3Wolf Lord7
Captain Wylsen13Demonic Sergeant8
Goblin Healer6Lioness4
Lion16Goblin Villager45
Mountain Lion34Minotaur38
Ice Troll12Marauder3
Lion Cub2Tiger3
Vampire Bat35Snowy Owl35
Baboon1Gnoll Guard4
Snow Leopard2Cyclops9
Mountain Troll6Skeleton15
Mountain Goat17Three-eyed Jack1
Maneater29Drow Elite21
Drow Warrior17Drow21
Malok6Gnoll Elite2
Nymph1Lone Zebra1
Death Knight4Black Knight1
Black Paladin2Teptok Warrior1
Chaotic Mage2Veteran Gladiator12
Goblin Elder1Mutant Rat94
Time Guardian10Yeti4
Magimox30Teptok Loyalist2
Vein Golem3Bolted Chest22
Giant Bat128Ettin6
Goblin Scout3Rabid Chipmunk2
Aet'Thol1Blue Dragon2
Psychotic Elf6Cauldron15
Drow Blademaiden6Snowman4
Ghoul Warrior1Badger37
Waldren1Dungeon Knight1
Torturer11Hedge Lord2
Stone Door26Crystal Giant5
Canyon Raptor1Drow Priestess94
Priestess Telanth5Priestess Kyorl2
Drow Mage140Drow Archmage17
Priestess Nym'uer1Mining Foreman18
Ghost15Mutant Leech17
Mutant Maggot69Imperial Mummy718
Adel2Mummified Priest19
Drow Templar30Mana Root36
High Priestess Ku'Nal2Drider Scout8
Drow Mistress14Spirit of Olist9
Deer9Nether Beast7
Storage Cabinet16Priestess Alan'cul8
Drow Rogue3Drow Corpse1
Dwarven Enchanter1Possessed Dagger11
Dancing Sword10Ensorcelled Bow13
Flying Hammer9Kobold1
Giant Hawk1Stone Sentinel4
Chief Bodyguard2Satyr5
Stampeding Elephant22Mongoose2
Honey Badger14Meerkat15
Fire Ant Soldier3Coyote4
Goanna4Initiate Inquisitor8
Inquisitor11Atrium Guard4
Mountain Ranger1Gnoll Warrior1
Desert Snake5Pit Wraith2
Drow Archer2Imhotep4
Chest33Inquisitor Enforcer9
Razorback10Paladin of the Inquisition4
Jadeback14Cave Bear1
Dvergar Firetender4Dvergar Trapslinger1
Dvergar Shadowcaller1Shadow Dweller2
Grizzly Bear5Black Jaguar17
Tower Guard1Demonic Captain1
Water Fairy1Evil Elf36
Evil Reindeer48Evil Santa2
Mummified Pharaoh9Cauldron Tribesman1
Dungeon Initiate2Brimstone Serpent1
Animated Armor3Plagued Spider1
Anubis Statue5Domesticated Euoplocephalus2
Time Knight2Tree Frog1
Time Mage4King Cobra1
Time Mummy6Temple Guardian1
Hell Hound1Mutant Seabass11
Toucan3Giant Crocodile1
Cauldron Chieftain1Kraken1
Mana Vein1Zombie1
Gorilla1Worthless Grub1
Gargoyle2Mutant Crab438
Lyzanthir the Enchanter1Treasure Chest129
Sheep28Stone Gargoyle14
Scarecrow1Tomb Spirit6
Vampire4Pained Spirit13
Castle Sorcerer3Jack-o'-lantern3
Halloween Spider3Frankenstein's Monster1
Demonic General1Evil Sprite1
Shrieker1Sentry Spider2

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