Name | |
Class | Male Elf Grandmaster Class III Sorcerer |
Clan | {ffffff{T{b0b0b0{h{909090{e {ffffff{R{c0c0c0{e{b0b0b0{s{a0a0a0{i{909090{s{808080{t{707070{a{606060{n{505050{c{404040{e{00ffff{ Founder (Gaddy) |
Experience | 3181977556 |
Level | 38 |
17 21 19 18 20 20 366hp 594mana | |
Comment | You summon a beam of pure light, blinding Gothmog, Lord of the Balrogs for 69 points of damage, sending the massive Balrog down the chasm from whence he came. |
AIM Name | The Dragon Scroll has been added to your spell book. |
MSN Name | |
KOS List | Gear Goals: Erebus Guard x8, Infiltrator Tabi x9, 2ac Bracelets x32, Pendant of Light x2 (7) |
Monsters Killed | 69138 |
Players Killed | 67 |
Deaths by Players | 13 |
Total Game Time | 80 days, 21h15 |
Character Score | 12672 |
Overall Ranking | 25/7702 |
Class Ranking | 6/471 |
Last Logon | 02-16-2025 21:59:26 |
Staff Comment |
Small Snake | 1128 | Black Bear | 1938 |
Skeleton | 165 | Badger | 12 |
Brown Bear | 592 | Demonic Soldier | 53 |
Ogre | 10210 | Large Snake | 90 |
Mourner | 1 | Warthog | 23 |
Dryad | 3 | Vampire Bat | 263 |
Owl | 14 | Grizzly Bear | 2 |
Mutant Rat | 68 | Giant Leech | 382 |
Granite Beast | 63 | Troll | 194 |
Ravenous Seagull | 183 | Sand Spider | 288 |
Spirit of Ruh'guul | 1 | Giant Rat | 39 |
Rabid Chipmunk | 13 | Asp | 27 |
Griffin | 9 | Ghast | 5 |
Ghost | 1 | Elite Sentry Spider | 26 |
Wolf | 22 | Mayor Tvarti | 45 |
Table | 19 | Orc | 112 |
Orc Chieftain | 1 | Bunny | 131 |
Magimox | 416 | Lifeless Soldier | 2 |
Hedge Minion | 51203 | Arrowhead | 2 |
Scarab | 14 | Suit of Armor | 10 |
Sand Scorpion | 1 | Mutant Crab | 24 |
Scorpion | 231 | Sand Viper | 98 |
Drow | 16 | Colossal Ant | 8 |
Chair | 24 | Bandit | 18 |
Old Hermit | 2 | Giant Crocodile | 2 |
Evil Sprite | 2 | Mutant Beetle | 39 |
Cinder Beast | 43 | Gardener | 3 |
Gnoll Warrior | 65 | Gnoll Guard | 2 |
Deer | 3 | Spider | 54 |
Magimoxama, King of the Magimoxes | 2 | Ghoul Warrior | 1 |
Guard Spider | 22 | Skeletal Warrior | 1 |
Modern Art Sculpture | 4 | Vulture | 1 |
Great Eagle | 1 | Sentry Spider | 8 |
Giant Spider | 3 | Crystal Formation | 2 |
Snotling | 2 | Dwarven Grenadier | 2 |
Genevieve | 105 | Adel | 4 |
Tiger | 1 | Time Guardian | 2 |
Time Knight | 3 | Giant Chameleon | 1 |
Silversail Defector | 16 | Cauldron | 2 |
Drow Blademaiden | 2 | Water Fairy | 9 |
Giant Frog | 1 | Writing Desk | 285 |
Giant Sand Wurm | 1 | Giant Cinder Beast | 15 |
Demonic Sergeant | 3 | Giant Centipede | 8 |
Aet'Thol | 5 | Bandit Leader | 2 |
Atrium Monarch | 3 | Door | 14 |
Hedge Lord | 18 | Fire Ant Soldier | 2 |
Mountain Goat | 1 | Captain Wylsen | 3 |
Black Jaguar | 5 | Jadeback | 3 |
Gnoll Elite | 1 | Inquisitor | 30 |
Stampeding Elephant | 17 | Paladin of the Inquisition | 6 |
Inquisitor Enforcer | 5 | Razorback | 6 |
Lost Wisp | 1 | Garden Spider | 3 |
Snowy Owl | 1 | Satyr | 1 |
Initiate Inquisitor | 1 | Torturer | 9 |
Sprite | 1 | Cauldron Tribesman | 1 |
Lost Soul | 1 | Carebol Raekor | 3 |
Imperial Mummy | 2 | Teptok | 1 |
Domesticated Euoplocephalus | 1 | Pit Wraith | 5 |
Balrog | 4 | Dark Djinni | 1 |
Tarantula | 3 | Spider King | 9 |
Anubis Statue | 1 | Rogue Swordsman | 4 |
Gothmog, Lord of the Balrogs | 2 | Marshal of the Inquisition | 2 |
Sheep | 2 | Jack-o'-lantern | 1 |
Pained Spirit | 1 | Werewolf | 1 |
Death Knight | 1 | Scarecrow | 1 |
Elven Barrow Wight | 6 | Tower Guard | 3 |
Giant Bat | 1 | Wolf Lord | 1 |
Scarab Skeleton | 2 | Ibis Statue | 2 |
Seasonal Painting | 1 | Lion Cub | 1 |
Pygmy Statue | 1 | Roc Hatchling | 1 |
Mad Turkey | 1 | General Kashtil | 2 |
Ghoul | 1 | Lt Commander Blackburn | 1 |
Grande Inquisitor | 2 | Atrium Guard | 1 |
Mutant Seabass | 7 | Bloom | 1 |
Dungeon Initiate | 1 | Teptok Loyalist | 1 |
Lyzanthir the Enchanter | 1 | Cauldron Witchdoctor | 1 |
Snowman | 2 |