-- Orphen's Profile --
ClassMale Elf Grandmaster Class III Sorcerer
Clan{ffffff{T{b0b0b0{h{909090{e {ffffff{R{c0c0c0{e{b0b0b0{s{a0a0a0{i{909090{s{808080{t{707070{a{606060{n{505050{c{404040{e{00ffff{ Founder (Gaddy)
E-Mail17 21 19 18 20 20 366hp 594mana
CommentYou summon a beam of pure light, blinding Gothmog, Lord of the Balrogs for 69 points of damage, sending the massive Balrog down the chasm from whence he came.
AIM NameThe Dragon Scroll has been added to your spell book.
MSN Name
KOS ListGear Goals: Erebus Guard x8, Infiltrator Tabi x9, 2ac Bracelets x32, Pendant of Light x2 (7)
Monsters Killed69138
Players Killed67
Deaths by Players13
Total Game Time80 days, 21h15
Character Score12672
Overall Ranking25/7702
Class Ranking6/471
Last Logon02-16-2025 21:59:26
Staff Comment

-- Monsters Killed --
Small Snake1128Black Bear1938
Brown Bear592Demonic Soldier53
Ogre10210Large Snake90
Dryad3Vampire Bat263
Owl14Grizzly Bear2
Mutant Rat68Giant Leech382
Granite Beast63Troll194
Ravenous Seagull183Sand Spider288
Spirit of Ruh'guul1Giant Rat39
Rabid Chipmunk13Asp27
Ghost1Elite Sentry Spider26
Wolf22Mayor Tvarti45
Orc Chieftain1Bunny131
Magimox416Lifeless Soldier2
Hedge Minion51203Arrowhead2
Scarab14Suit of Armor10
Sand Scorpion1Mutant Crab24
Scorpion231Sand Viper98
Drow16Colossal Ant8
Old Hermit2Giant Crocodile2
Evil Sprite2Mutant Beetle39
Cinder Beast43Gardener3
Gnoll Warrior65Gnoll Guard2
Magimoxama, King of the Magimoxes2Ghoul Warrior1
Guard Spider22Skeletal Warrior1
Modern Art Sculpture4Vulture1
Great Eagle1Sentry Spider8
Giant Spider3Crystal Formation2
Snotling2Dwarven Grenadier2
Tiger1Time Guardian2
Time Knight3Giant Chameleon1
Silversail Defector16Cauldron2
Drow Blademaiden2Water Fairy9
Giant Frog1Writing Desk285
Giant Sand Wurm1Giant Cinder Beast15
Demonic Sergeant3Giant Centipede8
Aet'Thol5Bandit Leader2
Atrium Monarch3Door14
Hedge Lord18Fire Ant Soldier2
Mountain Goat1Captain Wylsen3
Black Jaguar5Jadeback3
Gnoll Elite1Inquisitor30
Stampeding Elephant17Paladin of the Inquisition6
Inquisitor Enforcer5Razorback6
Lost Wisp1Garden Spider3
Snowy Owl1Satyr1
Initiate Inquisitor1Torturer9
Sprite1Cauldron Tribesman1
Lost Soul1Carebol Raekor3
Imperial Mummy2Teptok1
Domesticated Euoplocephalus1Pit Wraith5
Balrog4Dark Djinni1
Tarantula3Spider King9
Anubis Statue1Rogue Swordsman4
Gothmog, Lord of the Balrogs2Marshal of the Inquisition2
Pained Spirit1Werewolf1
Death Knight1Scarecrow1
Elven Barrow Wight6Tower Guard3
Giant Bat1Wolf Lord1
Scarab Skeleton2Ibis Statue2
Seasonal Painting1Lion Cub1
Pygmy Statue1Roc Hatchling1
Mad Turkey1General Kashtil2
Ghoul1Lt Commander Blackburn1
Grande Inquisitor2Atrium Guard1
Mutant Seabass7Bloom1
Dungeon Initiate1Teptok Loyalist1
Lyzanthir the Enchanter1Cauldron Witchdoctor1

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