-- SeaFox's Profile --
NameFox McWave
ClassMale Half-Elf Legendary Guardian
ClanÐê§t®ºÿꮧ øf Ñïghtmï§t Founder (-×±VÂGÂßØÑÐ-±-£€G€ÑЧ±×-)
AIM Name
MSN NameYou call on the power of nature to attack a Drider Warlord for 43 points of damage, Killing it.
KOS List
Monsters Killed9500
Players Killed20
Deaths by Players34
Total Game Time142 days, 13h55
Character Score8837
Overall Ranking79/7588
Class Ranking7/485
Last Logon09-25-2024 12:02:06
Staff Comment

-- Monsters Killed --
Skeleton35Small Snake390
Badger21Black Bear557
Brown Bear278Vampire Bat22
Giant Mosquito Swarm1Hydra Hatchling52
Hedge Minion5Troll41
Bloom8Large Snake34
Sand Spider195Sand Viper26
Grasping Vines1Granite Beast1145
Black Knight3Bandit49
Giant Spider1Elite Sentry Spider1
Scarab7Modern Art Sculpture277
Wolf24Silversail Defector44
Orc83Tree Frog11
Anaconda8Time Mage7
Cinder Beast3Toucan9
Desert Snake6Rogue Swordsman16
Wall Crawler6Teptok1
Giant Leech16Demonic Sergeant2
Lyzanthir the Enchanter1Captain Wylsen29
Asp6Sand Scorpion3
Mayor Tvarti3Demonic Soldier29
Dungeon Initiate5Worthless Grub4
Alligator16Drider Scout71
Drow Priestess159Drow Mage240
Deer53Drow Corpse13
Spirit of Olist5Maneater134
Harpy2Guard Spider4
Bandit Leader36Mountain Lion34
Mining Foreman122Dobermann30
Drow Archmage31Rattlesnake30
Jaguar3Snow Leopard1
Mountain Goat15Minotaur29
Canyon Raptor18Mutant Rat40
Mountain Ranger4Drow Archer11
Drow Elite29Drow Mistress19
King Cobra17Ettin8
Drow Blademaiden17Sentry Spider2
Drow Warrior46Psychotic Elf9
Black Paladin1Drow Templar61
Large Rock1Crystal Giant2
Tarantula95Giant Bat84
Goblin Elder2Torturer116
Nether Beast14Ibis Statue45
Imperial Mummy48Scarab Skeleton177
Pit Viper20Snowy Owl2
Old Hermit2Giant Hawk9
Tiger13Dancing Sword1
Goblin Scout7Bolted Chest8
Mutant Beetle1Water Fairy1
Piranha1Time Knight17
Chief Bodyguard11Giant Sand Wurm7
Steel Door7Goblin Healer4
Mummified Priest19Giant Rat6
Mutant Seabass6Giant Chameleon1
Teptok Loyalist4Pit Wraith17
Storage Cabinet3Plagued Spider9
Lion Cub6Kraken11
Hell Hound21Dvergar Firetender56
Imhotep5Goblin Villager6
Mummified Pharaoh3Resca2
Skeletal Warrior1Elder Treant31
High Priestess Ku'Nal6Stone Sentinel5
Mana Vein1Drow Rogue2
Pious Hannah1Profane Dianna3
Lion26Dvergar Houndmaster10
Ensorcelled Bow1Mountain Troll3
Drow Scholar1Statue1
Atrium Guard6Snotling11
Frost Shrine4Gnoll Slave1
Gnoll Elite6Snow Shrine2
Holly Shrine1Animated Armor1
Flying Hammer2Teptok Warrior3
Waldren2Flame Wraith5
Telatin4Orc Chieftain3
Crystal Ball9Dvergar Hammerlord30
Priestess Alan'cul10Drider Warlord2
Mana Root3Gorilla1
Shadow Dweller25Priestess Nym'uer1
Priestess Telanth1Sprite1
Inquisitor185Fire Ant Soldier3
Ghoul Warrior62Elven Barrow Wight1
Scripto Ghoul1Portcullis3
Stampeding Elephant128Jadeback52
Black Jaguar155Satyr65
Marauder3Injured Eagle15
Cauldron Tribesman42Domesticated Euoplocephalus8
Paladin of the Inquisition95Initiate Inquisitor154
Inquisitor Enforcer67Mongoose3
Coyote4Grizzly Bear3
Wolf Lord3Goanna36
Honey Badger13Vulture9
Dvergar Shadowcaller10Marshal of the Inquisition9
Tower Guard4Anubis Statue3
Carebol Raekor3Dvergar Blacksmith5
Dvergar Trapslinger2Time Guardian10
Dvergar Runemaster2Seasonal Painting2
Tax Lord1Cauldron Witchdoctor13
Pygmy Statue1Hedge Lord2
Blue Dragon2Mutant Crab3
Gnomish Sapper3Magimoxama, King of the Magimoxes4
Evil Reindeer12Evil Elf5
Grande Inquisitor11Primal Bear2
Cauldron Chieftain2Lightning Ward5
Fire Ward2Magimox22
Woobie1Ice Troll4
Goblin4Dire Wolf1
Guardian1Dark Djinni5
Gargantuan Black Widow2Rabid Chipmunk105
Antelope6Vein Golem5
Dungeon Knight2Three-eyed Jack3
Brimstone Serpent2Stone Door2
Vampire22Pained Spirit21
Hollow Man1Temple Guardian1
Shrieker10Gnomish Archaeologist1
Shadow Drake1Griffin7
Clay Golem4Colossal Ant2
Evil Sprite5Albino Beetle5
Dwarven Grenadier9Veteran Gladiator9
Ravenous Seagull2Lone Zebra4
Stone Dragon1Stone Reliquary1
Undead Marcus1Demonic Scribe1
Persuaded Follower1Garden Spider12
Toad6Giant Frog2
Dungeon Guard1Horse4
Native Ranger1Gnoll Guard3
Demonic General1Disciple of the Void2

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