-- Arcteryx's Profile --
ClassMale Halfling Grandmaster Class IV Hunter
ClanÐårk Å££Ïånçê Leader (-:±GReaT WhiTe NoRTh±:-)
CommentHuntmaster Sebestyen just gave you an Adamantite Ringmail.
AIM NameDrotar just gave you a Bow of Artemis.
MSN NameYou have increased to level 38, and gained 18 hp.
KOS ListYou have increased to level 39, and gained 19 hp.
Monsters Killed48075
Players Killed
Deaths by Players13
Total Game Time75 days, 13h35
Character Score31638
Overall Ranking3/2044
Class Ranking1/183
Last Logon12-26-2023 00:29:29
Staff Comment

-- Monsters Killed --
Bunny279Small Snake1214
Giant Rat1802Mutant Rat824
Skeleton Skull243Cockroach614
Vines87Black Bear3355
Deer29Brown Bear1736
Sentry Spider31Giant Spider190
Giant Leech1614Modern Art Sculpture3060
Crystal Formation162Troll499
Ogre206Hedge Minion1952
Hedge Lord14Vulture298
Hydra Hatchling7Orc1102
Large Snake151Gnoll Juvenile15
Scarab2553Evil Sprite47
Great Eagle643Gnoll Warrior39
Gnoll Captain17Braced Door15
Gnoll Archer357Elite Sentry Spider184
Gnoll Guard95Kyriarchian Prophet7
Kyriarchian Magician8Kyriarchian Fanatic2
Assassin Vine3Asp414
Seasonal Painting216Wolf644
Stone Door55Dragon Hatchling6
Cinder Beast295Mutant Beetle382
Sprite17Granite Beast1424
Giant Cinder Beast26Kyriarchian Zealot15
Garden Spider1Mutant Crab369
Ravenous Seagull839Scorpion1281
Pond Sprite4Aquatic Tendril7
Freshwater Golem1Kyriarchian Dragontamer3
Stone Crypt4Chair152
Tax Lord42Suit of Armor1095
Colossal Ant538Clay Golem238
Totem Pole56Silversail Defector16
Mole Rat33Bandit799
Sand Spider1136Griffin881
Spider97Guard Spider60
Mayor Tvarti194Demonic Soldier456
Vampire Bat100Evil Elf31
Gnoll Elite84Bezerker229
Herric63Three-eyed Jack5
Mysterious Chest18Bandit Leader5
Enchanted Sword2Goblin Scout115
Badger76Drow Archer10
Plague Demon10Albino Beetle7
Mine Marauder1Barricade3
Mine Bandit8Mountain Troll936
Antelope99Snow Leopard31
Ettin30Demonic Captain55
Demonic General9Scribe13
Starfish52Lost Wisp10
Giant Cockroach1Demonic Sergeant84
Orc Chieftain3Giant Frog5
Caterpillar230Skeletal Warrior119
Mummified Priest4Ibis Statue36
Scarab Skeleton104Butterfly257
Box Jellyfish1Dwarven Grenadier12
Giant Sand Wurm28Sand Viper117
Snotling13Giant Bat30
Drow Warrior5Drow Champion4
Hysterical Ghoul1Undead Arm1
Grasping Vines2Mountain Lion123
Cyclops20Ice Troll12
Yeti5Mountain Goat30
Hut Owner1Mountain Ranger5
Pit Viper8Pit Wraith2
Balrog14Psychotic Elf2
Treasure Chest4Minotaur13
Giant Centipede2Imhotep1
Imperial Mummy6Comet1
Demonic Elf44Snowman1
Christmas Present1Dark Gnome2
Evil Santa2Rudolph3
Castle Door3Blitzen2
Crystal Giant10Bigfoot5
Grizzly Bear5Kingfisher2
Gristle4Dungeon Initiate9
Dungeon Guard5Worthless Grub6
Steel Door6Spirit of King Durmeal1
Teptok Loyalist12Rabid Chipmunk2
Water Fairy14Rattlesnake15
Drow Elite6Magimox1536
Lesser Werewolf14Skeletal Bunny8
Greater Werewolf1Haunted Portrait1
Animated Bear Skin1Haunted Mail1
Snake4Pained Spirit4
Torturer7Teptok Warrior2
Mud Worm4Shrieking Spectre8
Goblin54Goblin Warrior10
Crystal Golem124Tiger6
Black Wight19Valravn8
Wolf Spider7Titan Hornet1
Elven Barrow Wight6Nymph39
Dire Wolf12Primal Bear9
Gargoyle1Mummified Pharaoh2
Cave Racer13Giant Crocodile1
Lyzanthir the Enchanter2Gnoll25
Gnoll Watchman10Dead Scientist25
Bobcat131Red Fox95
Snowy Owl5Snow Fox53
Tundra Wolf5Snow Wight31
Goblin Shaman6Red Ant2
Mystic Formation2Twilight Treant3
Deinonychus2Earth Elemental1
Lingering Soul3Condor1
Forest Bandit15Revenant4
Ghast3Unwilling Vampire2
Neonate Vampire2Sarcophagus2
Stampeding Elephant2Sand Scorpion8
Goblin Elite1Coal Seam3
Stone Gargoyle2Goblin Archer2
Rogue Swordsman1King Cobra1
Alligator1Canyon Raptor1
Drow Mage1Drow Priestess5
Kobold2Drow Templar3
Mana Root1Stone Sentinel1
Mutated Bear1Mad Scientist1
Goblin Villager2Polar Bear307
Talaskan Digestor1Warthog1
Teptok1Captain Wylsen1
Drow Blade Mage1Jackalope1
Cavern Imp31Jungle Snapper1

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