-- Hunchback's Profile --
Name Quasimodo of Notre Dame
ClassMale Halfling Grandmaster Class IV Hunter
ClanÐårk Å££Ïånçê Leader (Grahn)
CommentYou have increased to level 39, and gained 17 hp.
AIM Name
MSN Name
KOS ListGSW x3,HL x31,Gristle x13,TK x5,Giant Hawk,Cappy x5,CG x4,DG x4,3ej x2,Time Mage x3,GE x3,Jaguar x2,Ku'Nal,Lucifer,DBM,HQ,GC,E-Santa x8,Banshee x2,Shadow Master, Lyzanthir
Monsters Killed95416
Players Killed14
Deaths by Players13
Total Game Time81 days, 3h44
Character Score12972
Overall Ranking11/2044
Class Ranking3/183
Last Logon06-22-2019 20:03:05
Staff Comment

-- Monsters Killed --
Vines253Giant Rat796
Garden Spider33Goblin52
Tattered Thief33Thief30
Drunken Brawler32Rugged Rogue33
Troll596Black Bear6634
Brown Bear3044Sentry Spider792
Giant Spider333Mutant Rat924
Orc1019Small Snake1451
Giant Leech4161Modern Art Sculpture3025
Demonic Soldier794Bandit318
Table24Mayor Tvarti47
Large Snake117Gnoll Guard1360
Gnoll Archer3355Gnoll Elite175
Gnoll Warrior385Gnoll Captain12
Ettin6Stone Door24
Spider7Giant Mosquito Swarm2
Hydra Hatchling1Owl626
Badger447Goblin Warrior4
Goblin Scout58Scarab371
Mountain Lion47Mountain Goat8
Vampire Bat294Treasure Chest2
Spirit of Ariat4Giant Snapper Turtle1
Granite Beast1560Vulture476
Great Eagle299Evil Sprite53
Ogre267Hedge Minion18984
Seasonal Painting6Scorpion3119
Sand Viper491Sand Spider1803
Drow Elite26Arrowhead20
Giant Sand Wurm3Asp103
Colossal Ant1581Clay Golem14
Skeletal Warrior9Griffin737
Giant Crocodile12Mummified Priest6
Orc Chieftain3Mountain Troll422
Drow Warrior33Giant Bat63
Drow Archer31Harpy3
Hedge Lord31Gristle13
Demonic Sergeant114Demonic Captain184
Time Knight5Silversail Defector34
Grizzly Bear18Scribe7
Plague Demon9Cinder Beast316
Mutant Beetle468Gardener74
Giant Hawk1Snow Leopard17
Dwarven Grenadier15Yeti2
Baboon8Captain Wylsen5
Crystal Giant4Toad1
Bunny26Canyon Raptor11
Alligator7Bandit Leader17
Demonic General4Ice Troll6
Cyclops36Sabretooth Tiger3
Skeleton Skull79Giant Cinder Beast3
Dungeon Initiate29Large Rock1
Dungeon Guard12Worthless Grub10
Pained Spirit9Steel Door9
Teptok Loyalist18Giant Frog2
Water Fairy3Cockroach189
Mole Rat19Warthog2
Bloom2Giant Centipede14
Three-eyed Jack2Gnoll Watchman11
Dead Scientist3Braced Door6
Spirit Guard1Yoyio3
Floating Ghostly Head8Scarab Skeleton17
Ibis Statue23Desert Snake10
Time Mage3Torturer20
Hollow Man3Vein Golem1
Tree Frog7Tiger4
Goblin Elder3Toucan3
Gorilla1Black Scorpion2
Lifeless Soldier1Elite Sentry Spider1793
Guard Spider7100Ghost7
Persuaded Follower1Waldren2
Drow Mage119King Cobra6
Drow Archmage2Drow Champion14
Goblin Villager4Rogue Swordsman3
Sprite19Drow Priestess26
High Priestess Ku'Nal1Death Knight1
Drow Templar6Spirit of King Durmeal1
Undead Marcus1Wall Crawler1
Dimensional Planewalker1Demonic Spellcaster3
Demonic Slave4Vampire Assassin1
Lucifer1Mutant Seabass6
Psychotic Elf4Albino Beetle24
Mine Bandit1Bronze Hornet18
Hornet Larva6Insect Pod2
Titan Hornet4Gnoll Juvenile52
Imperial Mummy2Plague Fiend1
Lost Soul2Telatin1
Drider Scout1Tunneller1
Nether Beast3Drow Mistress1
Drow Rogue1Drow Blademaiden1
Mine Marauder2Teptok Warrior3
Dungeon Knight2Plagued Spider1
Abnormal Snake9Undead Minion6
Blind Giant Rat5Charging Soldier12
Choking Cretin2Easter Treasure Chest1
Totem Pole4Suit of Armor280
Drow Blade Mage1Hornet Queen1
Barricade3Black Orc9
Predator Orc6Sparkling Seam2
Ice Wraith7Black Orc Aeromancer3
Cold Sprite10Black Orc Hydromancer1
Guardian Golem1Black Orc Psychromancer1
Coal Golem1Giant Chameleon1
Lost Wisp1Demonic Elf33
Castle Door8Comet5
Evil Elf16Vixen5
Evil Santa8Christmas Present3
Ravenous Seagull2568Mutant Crab10561
Pit Viper5Piranha1
Gnoll4Crystal Golem2
Lesser Werewolf29Greater Werewolf12
Spideresque Shadowman3Shadow Demon5
Skeletal Bunny7Vampire27
Revenant1Haunted Portrait5
Animated Bear Skin3Werewolf Alpha1
Shadow Master1Haunted Mail4
Sand Scorpion2Pit Wraith1
Red Ant18Mud Worm14
Jungle Snapper2Shrieking Spectre12
Twilight Treant9Stampeding Elephant6
Mystic Formation1Donner1
Lunar Pedestal1Bobcat1538
Red Fox771Black Wight3
Gnoll Slave2Water Wraith1
Mutated Bear3Mad Scientist5
Zebra3Lone Wildebeest1
Goblin Archer2Old Hermit1
Mana Root1Goblin Shaman1
Goblin Chieftain2Goblin Elite1
Time Guardian6Pond Sprite2
Aquatic Tendril2Freshwater Golem1
Rabid Chipmunk1Abyssal Demon2
Butterfly112Lyzanthir the Enchanter1

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